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How should the media handle election night?
How Should the Media Handle Election Night? | GZERO World

How should the media handle election night?

"It's very important that if the election is very close and it comes down to say those Midwestern states, which are going to count their ballots slow, that the message is, 'too early to call.'" Election law expert Rick Hasen weighs in on how the media – both traditional outlets and social media – should handle election night coverage. His conversation with Ian Bremmer is part of the latest episode of GZERO World.

Watch the episode: What could go wrong in the US election? Rick Hasen on nightmare scenarios & challenges

Quick Take: The election is serious, but don't panic
Ian Bremmer: The Election Is Serious, But Don't Panic | Quick Take | GZERO Media

Quick Take: The election is serious, but don't panic

Ian Bremmer's Quick Take:

Hi, everybody, Ian Bremmer here. It's Monday and a quick take for you right before the election. That's right. Don't panic. All of you remembering Douglas Adams, the great Douglas Adams, for those people that back in high school, this is the kind of book that you knew people that read the Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. You said, "That's probably a normal human being a little dorky, but isn't going to kill me," where the people that were all about Atlas shrugged and the Fountainhead, those were people that were problematic later in life. That's just my own personal view. Maybe a little Tolkien. That was also fine. A little Hobbit. I'm friendly that way, but this is the message I really want people to keep in mind in the next 24, 48, 72 hours, the next week, two, three weeks.

It's going to be tough out there. People are going nuts. They're going crazy. The media is making it worse. The social media is making it worse, and it's going to be a tough time for the United States. But to be clear, we are not on the brink of becoming an authoritarian state. We are not about to be a Banana Republic. We are not on the verge of collapse. Instead, we are very divided. A lot of people are hurting. A lot of people are angry, and we have a whole bunch of people in very different information bubbles. They don't talk to each other, engage with each other, and that is a problem. That makes the country feel so much less purposeful, mission-oriented, communal, civic, all the things that we want. If you've got a flag, if you want to be united under that flag, you have to care about all the people in the country, not just the ones that agree with you politically.

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The threat of foreign interference to the US election
The Threat of Foreign Interference to the US Election | GZERO World

The threat of foreign interference to the US election

There's no doubt that foreign actors like Russia, China and Iran have already tried to interfere in the US election and may go even further than they did in 2016. But at the same time, there have been indications that some foreign leaders, like Vladimir Putin, may already be hedging their bets for a Biden victory. Election law expert Rick Hasen, however, believes that the threat of dirty tricks by foreign actors is still very real – an attack on the US power grid on Election Day, he says, is not outside of the realm of possibility. His conversation with Ian Bremmer is part of the latest episode of GZERO World.

Watch the episode: What could go wrong in the US election? Rick Hasen on nightmare scenarios & challenges

How administrative mistakes could disenfranchise voters
How Administrative Mistakes Could Disenfranchise Voters | GZERO World

How administrative mistakes could disenfranchise voters

"No election is conducted perfectly, and elections have all kinds of problems.We're going to have more problems because we're running an election during a pandemic." Election law expert Rick Hasen cautions that both campaigns could misconstrue honest mistakes in the administration of this week's national election as nefarious acts. The integrity of the election, he warns, could be compromised by human error and the unprecedented challenges posed by a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic. Hasen's especially concerned about key states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. His conversation with Ian Bremmer is part of the latest episode of GZERO World.

Watch the episode: What could go wrong in the US election? Rick Hasen on nightmare scenarios & challenges

Election Night: Key states to watch & record-shattering voter turnout
Election Night: Key States To Watch, Record-Shattering Voter Turnout | US Politics :60 | GZERO Media

Election Night: Key states to watch & record-shattering voter turnout

Jon Lieber, Managing Director for the United States at the Eurasia Group, shares his perspective on a special US election edition of US Politics In 60 Seconds:

So, we're about five days out from the election right now.

And the story of this week has been the remarkably steady polling lead for Joe Biden that he's had for months now. The other big story is the turnout, massive amounts of turnout. 100% of the 2016 vote already cast in Texas. 60% nationwide votes already cast. We are headed for record shattering turnout, could be around 155 million Americans voting.

On election night, what are we watching for?

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