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From Davos and the Munich Security Forum to the UN General Assembly, our livestream discussions convene heads of state, business leaders, technology experts from around the world for critical debate about the geopolitical and technology trends shaping our world.


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Explore these topics

In order to make sure that the post-pandemic economic recovery is inclusive, what can be done to ensure that all people, especially those unreached or displaced by technology, have access to connectivity and training to develop the skills needed in this more digital economy?

COVID-19 ravaged economies and communities everywhere, but provided a unique opportunity to harness technology and reset entrenched, failing systems. Governments and the private-sector showed productive cooperation in desperate times. Is there a more robust, resilient world beyond the pandemic?

Climate change continues to wreak havoc across the world. How can emerging, innovative technologies help mitigate immediate risks from climate change, and unlock longer-term solutions?

Amid the rise of cyberattacks and the growth of digital footprints, we’ve never needed stronger security and clearer privacy regulations more. Where should governments draw lines, and how much control should tech companies have, as public trust wavers?