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Russian tactical nukes in Belarus avoids direct escalation
Russian tactical nukes in Belarus avoids direct escalation | World In: 60 | GZERO Media

Russian tactical nukes in Belarus avoids direct escalation

Ian Bremmer shares his insights on global politics this week on World In :60.

Trump arraigned, again. What's next?

I guess what's next is more cases. I mean, at the end of the day, I still think that the January 6th case, as well as the efforts to overturn the election outcome in Georgia are substantively more serious, at least in terms of what they will mean for people that do or don't decide to vote for Trump in a general election, assuming he gets the nomination, than how he mishandled classified documents and then lied to people around it. Especially because he doesn't really have a motive, aside from the fact that he's a child and thinks that he should have access to these documents. But I mean, the key point here is that we've got a justice overseeing the case that was appointed by Trump and will certainly be very, very favorable towards every delay the Trump lawyers want. So this is going to make lots of headlines, but is not going to move until after the nomination, probably not until after election. So again, it's a crazy thing to say, but he's more likely to get the nomination on the back of all this news than not.

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