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Hard Numbers:

6: At least six people have been killed and more than 200 injured during rallies in Jakarta disputing the re-election of Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

-12.8: Compared to the last four presidents who were reelected, Donald Trump's popularity is historically weak. His net approval rating today (-12.8%) is about 14 points worse than Ronald Reagan's (1983) and 20 points worse than Barack Obama's (2011) at the same point in their presidencies. He's 25 points behind Bill Clinton (1995) and 45 points behind George W. Bush (2003). Given how little Trump's numbers have changed over the past three years, the path forward looks especially steep.

40: About 40 percent of US companies operating in China say they're considering relocating outside the country, according to a new study. In part, that's because some 47 percent of the members of the American Chamber of Commerce in China and a similar group based in Shanghai say they face retaliation for US tariffs in the form of slower customs clearance, more inspections, and delayed approvals for licenses.

70: How bad is street crime in Mexico City? Armed robberies have become common enough that for 300 to 500 pesos ($15 to $25) you can buy a fake cellphone to hand over instead of parting company with the real thing. The phones feature a realistic-looking startup screen and enough metal inside to mimic the weight of an actual mobile phone. There were an average of 70 muggings per day in Mexico City in the first four months of this year.


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