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How often should couples talk about money?

How often should couples talk about money?
How often should couples talk about money?

How often should couples talk about money?

Answer: All the time. All the time. All the time. It's research-backed, by the way. 78% of couples who talk about money at least once a week report being very happy, 60% who talk about it once a month report being very happy, only 50% if you talk about it less. So talking about money equals happiness — don't know where my chicken or egg is there, but it's research-backed. At least sit down once a month, if you're managing money jointly, to really go through it.

What's the stupidest financial advice you've heard lately?

A minute is not nearly long enough — just not long enough. There's so much of it. There's the "don't invest now, wait 'cause you'll make more money later." Someone who doesn't understand compounding. There's the "pay off every penny of your debt before you invest in the 401(k) and get the match." That has to be REALLY high-interest rate debt before that advice makes sense. And, of course, my favorite recently is, "Don't buy the latte, invest that money and become a millionaire," where I don't know what planet that math works on.


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