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Saving the planet is big business | Minoj Jain

Saving the planet is big business | Minoj Jain
Saving the planet is big business | Minoj Jain | Sustainability Leaders Council

Can saving the planet's freshwater be profitable? Most certainly, says Manoj Jain, investment director at Unison Capital.

"The material recovery conversion of waste and plastic into fuel, desulfurizing the air, the flue-gases, all this is very profitable business," he said at a GZERO Live event organized by the Sustainability Leaders Council, a partnership between Eurasia Group, GZERO Media, and Suntory.

Creating a circular economy that minimizes waste drives his investment decisions, seeking out emerging technologies to help the world push past outdated production methods. Hear more about how solving water scarcity can create economic growth here.

Watch the full livestream conversation: The global water crisis and the path to a sustainable future


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