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Will Superintelligent Machines Take Over: A.I. in 60 Seconds

Will Superintelligent Machines Take Over: A.I. in 60 Seconds

True or false: Superintelligent machines will one day rule over humans?

Very unlikely. The reason is today's artificial intelligence is also known as artificial narrow intelligence, which means the A.I. we have today deployed in Internet engines, all the way up to autonomous vehicles, are nothing more than fancy pattern recognition tools that we humans fully control. And, in order to evolve from these tools, which we control, to tools equally intelligent or even more intelligent than us, there will need to be at least 10 or 20 huge breakthroughs. Breakthroughs like the ability to create self-awareness have self-awareness and have compassion and ability to reason and plan and also what desire to rule over humans which doesn't exist in tools. So this is very unlikely. If it happens it will be in the very long term. We currently have no engineering path to getting there so we better focus on some real problems caused by A.I. such as security, privacy and inequality. So don't worry about it.

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