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How the US-China trade war hurts Americans

How the US-China trade war hurts Americans
How the US-China trade war hurts Americans

How much will the China trade war hurt American citizens?

It's already hurting them a lot, particularly farmers. It's going to hurt more now that China is retaliating again. And if we go to 25% tariffs on everything China exports to the United States, that's much higher consumer prices, bad for consumers, bad for markets, going to hurt.

Does all the impeachment talk help Donald Trump's re-election effort?

I don't think so at this point. I certainly don't think it drives swing voters to him. I think if it drags on forever and Democrats don't make a decision, then it could be beneficial to Trump, but right now I don't see it helping him motivate his hardcore base - but they're already motivated.

Is breaking up Facebook becoming a litmus test for Democrats?

I don't know about quite breaking it up, but certainly talking about the possibility and more broadly about the power of Facebook and other big tech giants is definitely important for all Democratic candidates.

Will Don Jr. testify before the Senate?

He certainly doesn't want to, his father doesn't want him to. Plenty of Republican senators say don't do it. I don't know how he ultimately avoids it but he's going to try to delay it. His lawyers will try to delay it so it could take some time.


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