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Will Congress pass the Ocasio-Cortez-Cruz bill banning lobbying?

Will Congress pass the Ocasio-Cortez-Cruz bill banning lobbying?
Will Congress pass the Ocasio-Cortez-Cruz bill banning former members of Congress from lobbying?

Will the Ocasio-Cortez-Cruz bill pass Congress?

I don't think so. I don't think members actually want to do that. Plus it's almost certainly unconstitutional but it's good politics on Twitter.

Will Trump put tariffs on imports from Mexico?

Yes I think he will. At least the 5% on June 10th will go into effect. Where we go from there? Who knows.

How are Democrats dealing with increased calls for impeachment?

Well not very well. Still a bit of a confused mess. They really need to make a call to begin impeachment proceedings or move on.

Now for the rant.

My rant unsurprisingly is on President Trump's visit to the U.K. He's already called the mayor of London a "stone cold loser" engaged in a debate on whether he called a member of the royal family nasty and yes he did do that, it's on tape. This all when we supposed to be celebrating the special relationship and the defeat of Nazi tyranny in Germany. Not a proud moment for the United States.


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