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Marjorie Taylor Green’s television

U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) speaking at a press conference

U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) speaking at a press conference

Sipa USA
Is the far-right US Congresswoman from Georgia’s television watching her? Greene, known for her bitter hatred of anything named Biden and wild conspiracy theories about, say, “Jewish space lasers” or Satanic child sex rings run by Democrats — suggested Sunday she was fearing for her life after she caught someone trying to spy on her through the boob tube. (Cue the old Yakov Smirnoff routine: In SoVieT rAShA, teLeVision wAtch YOU!)

Hard to say what was going on there, but Greene certainly might be on edge these days: After all, she is in danger of being snuffed out … of the Freedom Caucus.

The powerful group of ultra-conservative populist GOP lawmakers has reportedly reached a “consensus” against Greene, who has clashed colorfully with other Caucus members (she called Lauren Boebert a “little b*tch” in a dustup about a proposal to impeach Joe Biden). Beyond that intramural bad blood, Greene is close to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, whom the Caucus distrusts as an establishment shill and has frequently refused to vote with.

If she’s booted from the Caucus, it could exacerbate already-high tensions between the Caucus and the GOP leadership – a big issue as McCarthy tries desperately to maintain party unity with just a slim 10-vote majority in the House.


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