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Trump's latest IG firing, Obama's 2020 election role, & stimulus for the US economy

Trump's latest IG firing, Obama's 2020 election role, & stimulus for the US economy
Trump Fired A 4th Inspector General; Obama's Role; US $3T Stimulus? | US Politics :60 | GZERO Media

Why did President Trump fire another inspector general and why is it controversial?

Well, it's not entirely clear why the administration fired the State Department inspector general. It appears to have something to do with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. But it's controversial because it is the fourth time in just a matter of months that the administration has fired an internal watchdog. So, that bothers a lot of people.

President Obama is back in the news. Will he be a big part of the campaign?

Yes, he will. He's a huge part of the Democratic effort. He's incredibly critical for get out the vote efforts for Joe Biden, particularly in swing states like Pennsylvania and Michigan. So, expect him to play a big role.

What is the future of the $3 trillion stimulus plan that House Democrats passed?

It doesn't have a future. Senate Republicans don't want it. President Trump doesn't want it. It appears that we will be some time before we get more stimulus for this damaged economy.