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UN General Assembly: UNGA 78

AI plus existing technology: A recipe for tackling global crisis
AI plus existing technology: A recipe for global change | Global Stage | GZERO Media

When a country experiences a natural disaster, satellite technology and artificial intelligence can be used to rapidly gather data on the damage and initiate an effective response, according to Microsoft Vice Chair and President Brad Smith.

But to actually save lives “it's high-tech meets low-tech,” he said during a Global Stage livestream event at UN headquarters in New York on September 22, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

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How AI can be used in public policy: Anne Witkowsky
How AI can be used in public policy | Anne Witkowsky | Global Stage | GZERO Media

There are some pretty sharp people all around the world trying to craft policy, but their best efforts are often limited by poor data. Anne Witkowsky, Assistant Secretary of State at the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, says that’s about to change.

“Data-driven, evidence-driven decision-making by policymakers is going to be more successful” with the help of artificial intelligence, she said during a Global Stage livestream event at UN headquarters in New York on September 22, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

Witkowsky said the focus needs to be on inclusion and partnership with governments in developing countries to use new technology to “build resilience” against the unrelenting pressure such states face.

The discussion was moderated by Nicholas Thompson of The Atlantic and was held by GZERO Media in collaboration with the United Nations, the Complex Risk Analytics Fund, and the Early Warnings for All initiative.

Watch the full Global Stage conversation: Can data and AI save lives and make the world safer?
The state of multilateralism: Shaky, fragile & stretched to capacity
Shaky, fragile & stretched to capacity: The state of multilateralism | Global Stage | GZERO Media

Dr. Comfort Ero of the International Crisis Group has spent her career tackling the most difficult conflicts in the world, often exacerbated by severe environmental or social disasters. But as the climate crisis and war in Ukraine compound the forces pushing many fragile societies to the brink, she says multilateral institutions like the United Nations are not prepared to meet the challenge.

Faced with state collapse, food insecurity, and lack of governance, countries like Libya, Lebanon and Sri Lanka are not able to access the help they need to stabilize, build resilience and thrive.

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Staving off "the dark side" of artificial intelligence: UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed​
Staving off "the dark side" of artificial intelligence | Global Stage | GZERO Media

Artificial Intelligence promises revolutionary advances in the way we work, live and govern ourselves, but is it all a rosy picture?

United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed says that while the potential benefits are enormous, “so is the dark side.” Without thoughtful leadership, the world could lose a precious opportunity to close major social divides. She spoke during a Global Stage livestream event at UN headquarters in New York on September 22, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. The discussion was moderated by Nicholas Thompson of The Atlantic and was held by GZERO Media in collaboration with the United Nations, the Complex Risk Analytics Fund, and the Early Warnings for All initiative.

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The fight to “connect every last person” to the internet
The fight to “connect every last person” to the internet | Global Stage | GZERO Media

Doreen Bogdan-Marin spends a lot of time thinking about how to keep the world connected as the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunications Union. The biggest frontier in that realm is expanding internet access to those in the developing world who struggle to get online.

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Climate crisis can't be hijacked by global competitions: Justin Vaisse
Climate crisis can't be hijacked by global competitions: Justin Vaisse | Global Stage | GZERO Media

The war in Ukraine has so fundamentally redirected the course of world affairs that UN Secretary-General António Guterres says little else can be resolved globally before the fighting stops.

That doesn’t stop self-described “eternal optimist” Justin Vaisse from giving it his best shot. The historian took on a mandate from French President Emmanuel Macron in 2017 to organize the Paris Peace Forum, a venue to mend the strained and broken aspects of the multilateral system.

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How can the world build back better public health after COVID?
How can the world build back better public health after COVID? | Global Stage | GZERO Media

Every year, over ten million people globally die from high blood pressure, more than all infectious diseases combined. Dr. Tom Frieden, former director of the Centers for Disease Control, is tackling this massive problem in public health, among many others, as CEO of Resolve to Save Lives.

He told GZERO’s Tony Maciulis that ensuring easy access to three drugs — amlodipine for blood pressure, metformin for blood sugar, and atorvastatin for cholesterol — could save tens of millions of lives over the next quarter century for just a penny per pill.

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