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Hard Numbers: Trump’s campaign is loving impeachment

Trump’s campaign is loving impeachment

11,000 – In recent years, at least 11,000 Uighurs fleeing persecution in China have taken refuge in Turkey. The Uighurs are a Turkic ethnic group, whose plight Turkish President Erdogan has spoken out about. But as Ankara draws closer to China, Turkey has begun deporting some of them back to their homeland.

5,400 – A recent measles epidemic ravaging the Pacific island nation of Samoa has infected at least 5,400 people in the past several months. That's close to 3 percent of the population, an infection rate that equal 9 million people in the US or more than 30 million in China or India. Unfounded mistrust of vaccines and a weak public health system have contributed to the crisis. So far, 77 people have died.

2 – In the Afghan capital of Kabul, only two public swimming pools permit women to swim. They are strictly segregated by gender, and while women pay more than men for access, their facilities are crummier. Still, as the New York Times reports, the waters are a welcome escape from the chaos, uncertainty, and misogyny of daily life.

99.2 – It's too early to say how the impeachment of Donald Trump will affect the US 2020 election, but the president's own campaign is leaning into the issue: of the more than 4,500 television ads they've run this year, 99.2 percent of them focused on impeachment, according to a new Wesleyan Media Project study.


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