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Should small businesses embrace public-private partners?
Should Small Businesses Embrace Public-Private Partners? | GZERO Media

Should small businesses embrace public-private partners?

Definitely, says Kiva CEO Chris Tsakalakis.

"No one individual or one group can fund what needs to get done in order to support these businesses," he says during a livestream conversation on small businesses and pandemic recovery hosted by GZERO Media in partnership with Visa.

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How can small businesses thrive after COVID?
How Can Small Businesses Thrive After COVID? | GZERO Media

How can small businesses thrive after COVID?

Two years ago, life as we knew it came to a halt. COVID-induced lockdowns and quarantines hit businesses hard, shuttering stores and restaurants on main streets around the globe.

Now, COVID restrictions have been lifted throughout much of the West. While many businesses that survived (or launched amid) the pandemic are equipped with the creative, innovative spirit that helped them weather 2020-2021, challenges remain.

GZERO Media, in partnership with Visa, hosted a livestream discussion with business experts to examine the consequences and possibilities emerging from COVID, and how micro, small, and medium-sized businesses can thrive. Participants included GZERO President Ian Bremmer, Visa’s Global SVP Merchant Sales & Acquiring Jeni Mundy, US Chamber of Commerce’s Tom Sullivan, Kiva CEO Chris Tsakalakis, and SMEunited’s Veronique Willems. JJ Ramberg, the co-founder of Goodpods and former host of MSNBC’s Your Business, moderated.

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How can we help small businesses recover from the pandemic? Watch live today at 12 pm ET

TODAY AT 12 PM ET: COVID-19 has changed the way we shop, work, and live. While tough for all of us, it’s been brutal for small- and medium-sized businesses, which, according to the World Bank, make up a whopping 90% of all businesses and 50% of employment worldwide.

JJ Ramberg, co-founder of Goodpods and former host of MSNBC's Your Business, will moderate "Big Impact: Small Businesses and Global Pandemic Recovery," a livestream discussion about the path to stable, sustainable growth for small businesses.

Participants include:

  • Ian Bremmer, President and Founder, Eurasia Group and GZERO Media
  • Jeni Mundy, Global Head Merchant Sales & Acquiring, Visa
  • Tom Sullivan, VP of Small Business Policy, US Chamber of Commerce
  • Chris Tsakalakis, CEO, Kiva
  • Veronique Willems, Secretary General, SMEunited

Register here.

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