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Sustainable Investing Spotlight

In Planting for Tomorrow: Weaving sustainability into the path toward food security, a new special edition newsletter from Citi Global Wealth and Eurasia Group/GZERO Media, we take a deep dive into the challenges and the innovations in sustainable agriculture. This newsletter gives you an essential look into the future of food.

Check it out here

Want to go even deeper in the food security challenge? Check out the Living Beyond Borders podcast from Citi Global Wealth Investments and GZERO and listen to our episode compelling called Global Food (In)security.

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Episode 2: Saving the world’s water supply


Listen: Nearly half of the world's population currently lives in areas that face water scarcity for at least one month out of every year, and more than 1.2 billion people lack access to clean drinking water. This basic human need is too often at risk for communities around the globe, creating grave public health and security crises.

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Episode 7: Why biodiversity loss matters to governments and investors


Listen: Are global leaders finally taking needed action on environmental issues? Coming out of the COP26 meeting in Glasgow, we've seen governments agree to a certain set of policies to fight climate change. But that isn't the only urgent environmental issue we face. The twin problem of climate change AND biodiversity loss are a serious threat to not just governments, but also investors.

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Episode 10: Can private companies lead the way on climate action?


Listen: With bold commitments coming from both political and business leaders around the globe, 2021 could be a critical year in the fight against climate change. As sustainable investing moves from being a nice idea to a necessary move, what does it mean for your bottom line?

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Episode 9: Can sustainable investing save our planet?


Listen: Benjamin Franklin famously called on American business leaders more than two centuries ago to "Do well by doing good." To him, that meant creating companies that were not just about the bottom line, but also that helped foster happier and healthier communities. Now, as 2021 approaches and the world recovers from the greatest crisis of our lifetimes, sustainable investing is a bigger discussion than ever. What does it mean, and how does it not only help the environment and societies but also build your bottom line? That's the topic of the latest episode of Living Beyond Borders.

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