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Putin and Zelensky at the Forgotten Wars Bar
Putin and Zelensky at the Forgotten Wars Bar | PUPPET REGIME

Putin and Zelensky at the Forgotten Wars Bar

With all eyes on Gaza these days, Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky are now drinking at the place Where Everybody Forgets Your Name™. #PUPPETREGIME


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What to expect for second-quarter earnings season; H2 2020 outlook
What to Expect for Second-Quarter Earnings Season; H2 2020 Outlook | Money In :60 | GZERO Media

What to expect for second-quarter earnings season; H2 2020 outlook

Betty Liu, Executive Vice Chairman for NYSE Group, provides her perspective:

What are analysts expecting, going to the second quarter earnings season?

So, this earnings season has just started this past week, you saw banks kick off their reports. And as you can well imagine, analyst estimates are pretty much all over the place. And part of that is because a good number of companies did not provide guidance. Now, according to some estimates, some analysts estimates, we could see an earnings season decline or earnings decline as much as 44% this time around. That would be one of the biggest declines since 2008, the prior crisis.

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How are public companies giving back during the COVID-19 pandemic?

How are public companies giving back during the COVID-19 pandemic?

How are public companies giving back during the COVID-19 pandemic?

So, you've seen communities around the world come together to support each other during this pandemic. And we've seen private companies, organizations, as well as public companies use their resources. Many of those public companies are listed on the New York Stock Exchange. So, we wanted to recognize a few of those. There's too many of them to name one by one. But a few you do stand out.

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Why Stocks Climb During Bad Economy News
Betty Liu Explains: Why Stocks Climb During Bad Economy News | Data | Money In :60 | GZERO Media

Why Stocks Climb During Bad Economy News

In this pandemic environment, why are stocks climbing when news about the economy isn't good?

I've actually been getting that question a lot. And look, nobody really knows why stock markets move the way they do in real time. But there's a variety of factors why we've seen stock market rallies these days. So, one is improving investor sentiment that some of the government measures to stabilize the economy are working. And the other one is something you saw on Monday, when the Dow rose more than 900 points, there was some news out about a potential coronavirus vaccine. Some positive preliminary results on that experimental trial. So, that helped also improve investor sentiment.

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What is the role of the SEC?

What is the role of the SEC?

What is the role of the SEC?

So, the SEC has three roles: The first is to protect the investing public. The second is to help maintain fair, efficient and orderly markets. And the third is to facilitate capital formation.

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Betty Liu Explains: Environmental Social Governance (ESG) & Growth
Betty Liu Explains: Environmental Social Governance (ESG) & Growth | Money In :60 | GZERO Media

Betty Liu Explains: Environmental Social Governance (ESG) & Growth

What is ESG?

ESG stands for Environmental Social Governance. These are factors that investors use to measure the societal and sustainable impact of their investment in a particular company.

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Why You Should Save For Retirement Over Education: Money in 60 Seconds
Why You Should Save For Retirement Over Education: Money in 60 Seconds

Why You Should Save For Retirement Over Education: Money in 60 Seconds

What should be a bigger priority for me: saving for my children's education or saving for retirement?

This one hurts me. It hurts me to say this, because I've got children, and I really like 'em a lot. It's gotta be your retirement. I know that doesn't feel right as a parent, but if you have to make a choice, there are scholarships and there are loans for college. Nobody ever got a scholarship for retirement. And so this is one where you need to strap your oxygen mask on before assisting others, and — as much as it hurts me — to put yourself first.

The stock market's had a good year so far. Is now a good time to invest?

Yeah! Wow, what a difference. Remember December? I remember sitting, December 24th, when the market was down like 2.4 or 2.5% and it was just like [choking sound]. And it's up 16% since then. Now it feels like, gosh, maybe this isn't a good time to invest. But let's be perfectly clear: You have no idea. And anybody who says they have an idea has no idea. No one knows where the market is going from one week or one year to the next. There are just too many factors into it. So you want to — for those of you who are familiar with the term — dollar-cost average. For those of you who aren't, you want to invest through up markets and down, a bit out of every paycheck, sometimes it'll be lower, sometimes it'll be higher, and then it evens out over time which doesn't feel sexy, but actually is very sexy. It's very sexy in order to earn market returns, because most folks don't.

And go deeper on topics like cybersecurity and artificial intelligence at Microsoft on The Issues.

Individual Investor Performance: Money in 60 Seconds
Individual Investor Performance: Money in 60 Seconds

Individual Investor Performance: Money in 60 Seconds

Question 1: Over the past 20 years, how have individual investors done? What kind of returns have they had?

Well, back up. We know that active managers tend to underperform the markets by about the amount of fees — mutual fund managers underperform by about the amount of fees. Over the past 20 years, individual investors have done even worse. So at a time when, according to Dalbar, the stock market has gone up annually 5.6, 5.8%, bonds have gone up annually 4.5%, individual investors — their money has gone up annually about 1.9%. So that doesn't even keep up with inflation, which is estimated to be 2.2%. Why is this? Because we sometimes are our worst enemies. I mean there are many reasons for it. But you over-trade, you tend to panic when times are tough, markets are bad, and you're trading in and out at the wrong time.

Question 2: My company doesn't report its gender pay gap, so it doesn't have one … right?

Uh, wrong. On average, if women are making 80 cents to a man's dollar — sometimes it's 78 cents, sometimes it's 82 cents — then on average, your company has a gender pay gap. And that can be even if it's great people who are there, because in a society in which men have been socialized to negotiate and women have been socialized not to, and bosses — who are just looking for the bottom line — if someone asks for the money they'll give it to them, and if they don't, they won't … you've got a gender pay gap. So if your company isn't reporting one, ask them to.

And go deeper on topics like cybersecurity and artificial intelligence at Microsoft on The Issues

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