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Premier Danielle Smith tours Jasper, Alberta, Canada, in July.


Chemtrail conspiracy takes flight over Alberta

British journalist Christopher Hitchens once described conspiracy theories as “the exhaust fumes of democracy.” But it is doubtful he was referring to so-called “chemtrails.” A slightly unhinged school of thought now has it that vapor trails in the sky are sprayed deliberately to poison or control the people below.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith was asked about chemtrails at a town hall in Edmonton last weekend and, after being heckled for saying no one is allowed to spray anything over the province, conceded she’d been told the source might be the US Department of Defense, according to Global News.

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Big week for the “Big Lie” in the Supreme Court

In its final week in session, the US Supreme Court will decide two cases involving Donald Trump’s attempt to overthrow the 2020 election. Both cases stem from a conspiracy spread by Trump and his allies that Joe Biden stole the 2020 election through voter fraud. This stolen election conspiracy, dubbed the “Big Lie,” has deeply wounded American democracy, and it motivated thousands of Trump’s supporters to storm the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

The first case, on presidential immunity, looks at whether former presidents can be criminally prosecuted for actions taken while in office. Trump is using this claim to delay his federal indictment in DC – arguing that presidential immunity prevents him from being prosecuted for his actions on Jan. 6. Special counsel Jack Smith has argued that the broad scope Trump proposes would give presidents a free pass for criminal conduct.

When the court heard the oral arguments in April, they appeared ready to rule that presidents have some degree of immunity, which would further delay the DC case and make it all but guaranteed that it is not decided before November’s election.

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The Disinformation Election: Will the wildfire of conspiracy theories impact the vote?

Trust in institutions is at an all-time low, and only 44% of Americans have confidence in the honesty of elections. Distrust and election-related disinformation are leaving society vulnerable to conspiracy theories.

Ian Bremmer, president of Eurasia Group and GZERO Media, notes that American democracy is in crisis largely because “one thing not in short supply this election season: conspiracy theories.”

As part of GZERO Media’s election coverage, we are tracking the impact of disinformation and conspiracy theories on democracy. To get a sense of how this election may be pulled down a dark and dangerous rabbit hole, click here for our interactive guide to conspiracy theories.

US Capitol under attack on January 6th.

Leslie dela Vega

Ian Bremmer: American democracy at risk thanks to conspiracy theories

American democracy is in crisis, says Eurasia Group President Ian Bremmer, largely because “one thing not in short supply this election season: conspiracy theories.”

Trust in institutions – from the Supreme Court to public schools – is at an all-time low, and only 44% of Americans have confidence in the honesty of elections. Distrust and election-related disinformation are leaving society vulnerable to conspiracy theories.

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