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House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) talks to reporters after surviving a vote to remove him from the Speaker’s position, Washington, DC, May 8, 2024. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) introduced a motion to vacate the Speaker’s office, which was defeated by a motion to table the issue immediately afterward.

Photo by Allison Bailey/NurPhoto via Reuters

Vibes-based lawmaking isn’t helping us!

With so many problems in the world right now, it seems odd to spend time trying to solve ones that don’t exist.

But that’s exactly what happened this week when House Speaker Mike Johnson proposed a new law to crack down on non-citizens voting in US federal elections.

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A US-Canada border crossing and monument.


The United States has another border crisis – with Canada

Former Republican nominee hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy was mocked for his proposal during one GOP debate to build border walls with Mexico and Canada.

The problems at the southern border are well-documented. In January, US Border Patrol reported 124,200 encounters with migrants trying to enter the country illegally – and that is a 50% drop from previous months. It is an issue that may cost Joe Biden the election: A Pew Research poll suggested 80% of those surveyed think he is doing a bad job at handling the migrant influx.

Less well-known is that northern border states like Vermont, New York, and New Hampshire are reporting their highest rates of illegal migration in years. Canada is seen as a stepping stone to the US by human smuggling organizations – and it has the added benefit of no border walls or razor wire.

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“Everything is political” is personal: the NYC migrant crisis

“Do you know,” Jhon asked me, shivering slightly in the lengthening afternoon shadows of New York’s Penn Station, “do you know if we can stay here – in America?”

Jhon is a wiry 42-year-old construction worker who fled Ecuador a month ago with his wife and four children. The recent surge of narco-violence there had gotten so bad, he said, that the local school switched to virtual classes for the safety of the students and their parents.

Now, after a trying journey by foot, boat, bus, and train, he was standing in the middle of New York City, bewildered but hopeful.

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Sabah faces problem of undocumented migrants

September 19, 2020 12:50 PM

KOTA KINABALU - In 1970, Sabah's 636,431 population accounted for 6.1 per cent of Malaysia's 10.4 million.

Malaysia deports Bangladeshi who criticised treatment of migrants

August 23, 2020 5:00 AM

KUALA LUMPUR • Malaysia has deported a Bangladeshi worker who criticised the government's treatment of migrants in a documentary made by broadcaster Al Jazeera, the country's director general of immigration confirmed yesterday.

KL looking out for boats after Rohingya found on beach

April 09, 2019 5:00 AM

KUALA LUMPUR • The Malaysian authorities were yesterday on the lookout for boats believed to be carrying up to 200 Rohingya Muslims after dozens of migrants were found near a beach in the country's northern state of Perlis.

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