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Russia gears up to escalate against Ukraine, 6 months into invasion
Russia Gears Up To Escalate Against Ukraine, 6 Months Into Invasion | Quick Take | GZERO Media

Russia gears up to escalate against Ukraine, 6 months into invasion

Ian Bremmer's Quick Take: Hi, everybody, Ian Bremmer here. A little bit rainy on a Monday. I want to kick you off. Talk about the world and we're going back to Russia/Ukraine. Not just because it's in the headlines again, but also because the potential for significant escalation further escalation is unfortunately increasingly real.

Over the last week, week and a half, we've seen some Ukrainian military attacks on Russian bases in Crimea. That does reflect more capability than the Ukrainian military had shown here to fore, and is leading people around the Kremlin to call for more substantial strikes against military and civilian populations in Ukraine. But more significant than that, over the weekend, the car bomb assassination, targeted assassination of Darya Dugina, who is the daughter of Alexander Dugin. He clearly was the intended target of the strike. He's an ultranationalist, his writings and ravings have been cited frequently by Putin and by other members of the Russian regime.

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Fault lines are emerging in the Western front against Russia

Fault lines are emerging in the Western front against Russia

French President Emmanuel Macron made headlines over the weekend when he called for the West not to "humiliate" Russia in its war against Ukraine "so that the day when the fighting stops we can build an exit ramp through diplomatic means."

The statement drew ire from the Ukrainian government. Ukraine’s foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba bristled at the suggestion, saying such calls “only humiliate France” because Russia “humiliates itself”

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The tide is turning in Russia’s war against Ukraine

The tide is turning in Russia’s war against Ukraine

For the past 100 days, the narrative in the West on the Russia-Ukraine war has been remarkably consistent. Against all odds, vastly outnumbered and outgunned Ukrainians have time and again humiliated the Russian forces, supported by a relentlessly united Western front doing more and more each day to help Ukraine win the war.

As the conflict goes on, however, that will no longer be the dominant story. Increasingly, the narrative will be punctured by more frequent Russian military wins and Ukrainian losses, with cracks emerging in Ukraine’s information war and with American and European support for Ukraine getting close to peaking.

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