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An AI-generated image of swarming drones.

Courtesy of Midjourney

Robots are coming to a battlefield near you

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing everything – from education, health care, and banking, to how we wage war. By simplifying military tasks, improving intelligence-gathering, and fine-tuning weapons accuracy — all of which could make wars less deadly – AI is redefining our concept of modern military might.

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Emotional AI: More harm than good?
Emotional AI: More harm than good? | GZERO World

Emotional AI: More harm than good?

Generative AI mimics human-generated text, images, and video, and it's got huge implications for geopolitics, economics, and security. But that's not all - emotionally intelligent AI is on the rise.

And sometimes the results are ugly. Take the mental health nonprofit, KOKO, which used an AI chatbot to support counselors advising 4,000 people who were seeking counseling. The catch: The patients didn't know that a bot was generating the advice they were receiving. While users initially rated the bot-generated responses highly, the therapy lost its effectiveness once the patients were informed that they'd be talking to a fancy calculator.

The real question is: When does emotionally intelligent AI cross the line into emotionally manipulative territory?

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How robots will change the job market: Kai-Fu Lee predicts
AI Scientist Predicts Robots Will Steal Some Jobs, but Not Worsen Inequality | GZERO World

How robots will change the job market: Kai-Fu Lee predicts

How will artificial intelligence change the world and especially the job market by 2041? AI scientist Kai-fu Lee just wrote a book about precisely that, and he predicts it'll shake up almost every major industry. AI, he explains, will be most disruptive to many so-called "routine" occupations, but the damage may be reduced by shifting "empathetic" workers to jobs that require human empathy. Watch his interview on GZERO World with Ian Bremmer.

Watch this episode of GZERO World with Ian Bremmer: Is a robot coming for your job? Kai-fu Lee explains AI

Ian Bremmer explains: Should we worry about AI?
Ian Bremmer Explains: Should We Worry About AI? | GZERO World

Ian Bremmer explains: Should we worry about AI?

Many of us learned about the dangers of artificial intelligence thanks to Stanley Kubrick. Today, AI is doing a lot to improve our lives, but the peril remains. Ian Bremmer expects it to help with many things, especially healthcare, yet also to displace a lot of low-skilled workers in the near future. What's more, brace for AI's impact on deepfakes, misinformation, autonomous weapons systems, and surveillance of ethnic minorities.

Watch this episode of GZERO World with Ian Bremmer: Is a robot coming for your job? Kai-fu Lee explains AI

Artificial intelligence from Ancient Greece to 2021
AI Wasn't Always as Smart as It Is Now | GZERO World

Artificial intelligence from Ancient Greece to 2021

Did you know artificial intelligence was first conceptualized in Ancient Greece? That some of its early uses didn't work out? What did the first successful AI actually do? Today, even Alexa and Sophia are still no match for the human brain, but that'll likely change very soon. Join us for a trip down AI memory lane on the latest episode of GZERO World.

Watch this episode of GZERO World with Ian Bremmer: Is a robot coming for your job? Kai-fu Lee explains AI

Is a robot coming for your job? Kai-Fu Lee explains AI
Is a Robot Coming for Your Job? | GZERO World with Ian Bremmer

Is a robot coming for your job? Kai-Fu Lee explains AI

Artificial intelligence is changing the way we live — and very soon it'll go beyond medical breakthroughs and the algorithms that control your social newsfeeds. Will AI become the biggest technological disrupter since the Industrial Revolution, replacing many workers with robots? In this week's show, Ian Bremmer discusses the future of AI with AI scientist Kai-fu Lee, who's just come out with a book about what our AI-driven world may look like 20 years from now.

El Salvador’s risky move to Bitcoin; future of Singapore patrol robots
El Salvador’s Risky Move to Bitcoin | Future of Singapore Patrol Robots | Cyber In :60 | GZERO Media

El Salvador’s risky move to Bitcoin; future of Singapore patrol robots

Marietje Schaake, International Policy Director at Stanford's Cyber Policy Center, Eurasia Group senior advisor and former MEP, discusses trends in big tech, privacy protection and cyberspace:

El Salvador becomes the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender. Is this a risky move?

Well, it is unclear who ought to benefit most of the President's move to adopt Bitcoin. Poor shopkeepers, wealthy investors, or he himself. With arguments that remittances are expensive and the future is digital, President Bukele leapt forward. But the immediate value drop of Bitcoin was a live reminder of the cryptocurrencies' volatility. One silver lining is that others can learn from the lessons that El Salvador will learn under this new spotlight.

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Tech initiatives to have machines, not people, cleaning sewers in India

December 12, 2020 7:18 PM

Bandicoot, a machine with a camera-mounted extendable robotic arm, can descend into manholes and scoop out dirt.

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