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Climate disinformation back to denying it exists, says UN's Melissa Fleming
Climate Disinformation Back to Denying It Exists, Says UN’s Melissa Fleming | GZERO Media

Climate disinformation back to denying it exists, says UN's Melissa Fleming

People are a lot more worried about climate change than they used to be. And they are also very concerned about disinformation related to climate.

"We're seeing a disturbing spike in disinformation around climate change," Melissa Fleming, the UN's Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, says during a Global Stage livestream conversation hosted by GZERO in partnership with Microsoft.

But what's more troubling is that the disinformation super-spreaders, she adds, have "returned now to the complete denial narrative" — it's a hoax.

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2022 has been rough. Will 2023 be any better?
2022 Has Been Rough. Will 2023 Be Any Better? | Global Stage | GZERO Media

2022 has been rough. Will 2023 be any better?

2022 has been the year of converging crises: the ongoing pandemic, climate change, economic turmoil, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Lots of gloom and doom, indeed.

But in all these crises, there is an opportunity to bounce back with solutions to make the world a better place. Think of how the war in Ukraine united the West more than ever against a common enemy.

How? Good question. We asked several experts during the Global Stage livestream conversation "The Road to 2030: Getting Global Goals Back on Track," hosted by GZERO in partnership with Microsoft.

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Why is Russia on the UN Security Council?
At UN, Ukraine War Launches “New Debate” on Russia | Global Stage | GZERO Media

Why is Russia on the UN Security Council?

“The UN is back,” said Melissa Fleming, the UN’s Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications. In an interview with GZERO Media on the sidelines of the 77th General Assembly, Fleming reflected on the return to in-person diplomacy after years of disruption caused by pandemic.

“There is this real feeling that the UN is the only place for global cooperation,” she said. “We cannot solve the world's intractable problems of climate change, of war, of refugees without multilateralism, and multilateralism is the UN. It is nations working together to solve problems.”

In the interview, Fleming also acknowledged that the collision of recent global crises had created uncertainty about the power of multilateralism. But she said recent diplomatic efforts lead by the UN, including the Black Sea grain initiative to help mitigate a growing food insecurity crisis, have brought renewed energy.

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Should internet be free for everyone? A Global Stage debate
Should Internet Be Free for Everyone? | Global Stage | GZERO Media

Should internet be free for everyone? A Global Stage debate

Half of the world's population is currently offline, and COVID has further widened the digital gap. Providing more than three billion people with affordable, reliable internet access sounds like a no-brainer, but the devil is in the details. Who'll pay for it, how do we measure success, who should be on board, and what are the potential benefits?

Several experts weighed in during a Global Stage virtual conversation hosted by GZERO Media in partnership with Microsoft during the 76th UN General Assembly, moderated by the UN's Melissa Fleming.

Don't miss our next event: LIVE on Wednesday Oct 13 11am ET/ 8 am PT:

Infodemic: Defending Democracy Against Disinformation

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Watch our discussion to decide: should internet access be free?

Access to the internet is a universal right.

Broadband should be free.

Tech companies should foot the bill.


GZERO Media and Microsoft will convene proponents, skeptics, and fence-sitters to debate whether the internet should be free on the next Global Stage event.

Make up your mind in our event September 15th at 11am ET/8am PT.

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“Building back better”: UN General Assembly confronts the COVID-19 pandemic​

“Building back better”: UN General Assembly confronts the COVID-19 pandemic​

The United Nations marks its 75th anniversary this year amid the greatest global crisis since its founding. The UN's head of global communications Melissa Fleming explains the goals of this General Assembly, and how a renewed commitment to cooperation among nations could help eradicate COVID-19.

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