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Jess Frampton

Tracking anti-Navalny bot armies

In an exclusive investigation into online disinformation surrounding online reaction to Alexei Navalny's death, GZERO asks whether it is possible to track the birth of a bot army. Was Navalny's tragic death accompanied by a massive online propaganda campaign? We investigated, with the help of a company called Cyabra.

Alexei Navalny knew he was a dead man the moment he returned to Moscow in January 2021. Vladimir Putin had already tried to kill him with the nerve agent Novichok, and he was sent to Germany for treatment. The poison is one of Putin’s signatures, like pushing opponents out of windows or shooting them in the street. Navalny knew Putin would try again.

Still, he came home.

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Ian Bremmer: Algorithms are now shaping human beings' behavior
Ian Bremmer: Algorithms are now shaping human beings' behavior | Global Stage | GZERO Media

Ian Bremmer: Algorithms are now shaping human beings' behavior

Everyone is a product of their environment. But where once the influences on young people were largely shaped by their physical community, algorithmic content online has opened a new and dangerous pathway to radicalization and violence, says Eurasia Group President Ian Bremmer in a recent Global Stage livestream, from the sidelines of the 78th UN General Assembly.

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What is a technopolar world?
Technopolar world | GZERO Media

What is a technopolar world?

Who runs the world? In a series of videos about artificial intelligence, Ian Bremmer, founder and president of GZERO Media and Eurasia Group introduces the concept of a technopolar world––one where technology companies wield unprecedented influence on the global stage, where sovereignty and influence is determined not by physical territory or military might, but control over data, servers, and, crucially, algorithms.

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TikTok, Huawei, and the US-China tech arms race
TikTok, Huawei, and the US-China tech arms race | GZERO World

TikTok, Huawei, and the US-China tech arms race

“When the Chinese get good at something, all of the sudden, the United States says, ‘This is a national security risk.’”

That’s what Shaun Rein, founder and managing director of the China Market Research Group, argued on GZERO World with Ian Bremmer while discussing the increasingly hostile geopolitical environment between the two superpowers.

Elon Musk claims he's lifting weights to prepare to fight Mark Zuckerberg.


What We’re Ignoring: Revenge of the nerds

There’s growing evidence that the much-ballyhooed mixed martial arts battle between X-Man Elon Musk and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg may actually take place.

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ChatGPT and the 2024 US election
2024 US Election in the Age of ChatGPT | GZERO World

ChatGPT and the 2024 US election

2024 will be the first US presidential election in the age of generative AI. How worried should we be about the spread of misinformation and its implications for democracy?

In 2016, social media platforms became Petri dishes of disinformation as foreign actors and far-right activists spread fake stories and worked to heighten partisan divisions. The 2020 election was fraught with conspiracy theories and baseless claims about voter fraud.

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NATO membership for Ukraine?
NATO membership for Ukraine? | World In: 60 | GZERO Media

NATO membership for Ukraine?

Ian Bremmer shares his insights on global politics this week on World In :60.

Sweden will join NATO. Is Ukraine next?

Well, sure, but next doesn't mean tomorrow. Next means like at some indeterminate point, which makes President Zelensky pretty unhappy and he's made that clear, but he has massive amounts of support from NATO right now, and he needs that support to continue. So, it's not like he has a lot of leverage on joining NATO. As long as the Americans are saying it's not going to happen, that means it's not going to happen. No, the real issue is how much and how concrete the multilateral security guarantees that can be provided by NATO to Ukraine actually turn out to be. We will be watching that space.

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Threads, Twitter, & the 2024 US election
Threads, Twitter, & the 2024 US election | US Politics In: 60 | GZERO Media

Threads, Twitter, & the 2024 US election

Jon Lieber, head of Eurasia Group's coverage of political and policy developments in Washington, DC shares his perspective on US politics.

Hi, I'm Jon Lieber, and this is US Politics in (a little over) 60 Seconds.

Meta last week announced the launch of Threads, a direct competitor to Twitter that reportedly already has reached a hundred million signups, a huge number in just a week. This long-awaited move by. One of the kings of social media could dramatically alter the media environment heading into the 2024 election.

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