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How the Department of Homeland Security’s WMD office sees the AI threat

The US Department of Homeland Security is preparing for the worst possible outcomes from the rapid progression of artificial intelligence technology technology. What if powerful AI models are used to help foreign adversaries or terror groups build chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons?

The department’s Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction office, led by Assistant Secretary Mary Ellen Callahan, issued a report to President Joe Biden that was released to the public in June, with recommendations about how to rein in the worst threats from AI. Among other things, the report recommends building consensus across agencies, developing safe harbor measures to incentivize reporting vulnerabilities to the government without fear of prosecution, and developing new guidelines for handling sensitive scientific data.

We spoke to Callahan about the report, how concerned she actually is, and how her office is using AI to further its own goals while trying to outline the risks of the technology.

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Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee, government officials and lawmakers pose for a group photo, after the Safeguarding National Security Bill, also referred to as Basic Law Article 23, was passed at the Hong Kong’s Legislative Council, in Hong Kong, China March 19, 2024.

REUTERS/Joyce Zhou

Hong Kong passes harsh national security law

Hong Kong’s legislature passed a far-reaching national security law on Tuesday that has alarmed citizens and the business community. Beijing has purged the legislature of any serious opposition, and the new legislation empowers China’s handpicked chief executive to enforce national security law.
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US Government information: What's the threshold for "classified"?
US Government information: What's the threshold for "classified"? | GZERO World

US Government information: What's the threshold for "classified"?

There are many reasons for a government to classify information. The US does not want Vladimir Putin getting his hands on our nuclear codes, for example. An estimated 50 million documents are classified every year, though the exact number is unknown—not because it’s classified, but because the government just can’t keep track of it all. But in the words of the former US Solicitor General Erwin Griswold, some “secrets are not worth keeping.”

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Is it time for the US government to rethink how it keeps its secrets?
Is it time for the US government to rethink how it keeps its secrets? | GZERO World

Is it time for the US government to rethink how it keeps its secrets?

Here’s one of the United States' worst-kept secrets: its flawed classification process. Whether it’s the unnecessary classification of material or the storage of top-secret documents behind a flimsy shower curtain in a Mar-a-Lago bathroom, it’s crucial to address our approach to confidentiality. Joining GZERO World to discuss all things classified, including those documents in Trump’s bathroom, is former Congresswoman Jane Harman. As the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee after 9/11, the nine-term congresswoman has insider knowledge of the matter.

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The next global superpower?
The next global superpower? | Quick Take | GZERO Media

The next global superpower?

Ian Bremmer's Quick Take: Hi everybody. Ian Bremmer here. A Quick Take for you and my Ted Talk has just landed. So yes, that is what I want to talk about. Kind of, what happens after the GZERO? Who is the next global superpower? Do the Americans come back? Is it the Chinese century? No, it's none of the above. We don't have superpowers anymore. And that's what the talk is all about.

I think that the geopolitical landscape today unnerves people because there's so much conflict, there's so much instability. People see that the trajectory of US-China relations, of war in Europe, of the state of democracy and globalization, all is heading in ways that seem both negative and unsustainable. And part of the reason for that is because it is not geopolitics as usual. It's not the Soviets or the Americans or the Chinese that are driving outcomes in the geopolitical space. Rather it is breaking up into different global orders depending on the type of power we're talking about.

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Picture of the Tik Tok symbol over the US Capitol Building.

Annie Gugliotta

TikTok "boom"! Could the US ban the app?

As a person over 40, the first thing I did when I heard about a new bipartisan US bill that could lead to a ban of TikTok was: call my niece Valeria in Miami.

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Mitt Romney on the threat Russia poses to the world
Mitt Romney On The Threat Russia Poses To The World | GZERO World

Mitt Romney on the threat Russia poses to the world

It was nearly 11 years ago that then-presidential candidate Mitt Romney sat on stage with then-president Barack Obama and was ridiculed for identifying Russia as America’s chief geopolitical foe. Looking back today, the Utah Senator stands by what he said then. And he looks a heck of a lot smarter on the subject today than he may have in 2012. “They were a geopolitical adversary. No question about it. Every initiative that we had at the UN, they would block.”

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Romney: Sloppy classified docs "a danger"
Romney: Sloppy Classified Docs "A Danger" | GZERO World

Romney: Sloppy classified docs "a danger"

These days, it seems like every government official—and their mother—has some classified documents stored away at the family beach house. Utah Senator Mitt Romney, however, assures Ian Bremmer that he hasn’t purloined any compromised files. “I must admit that the sloppiness, the carelessness that we've seen from this president and from the prior president is really disturbing” Romney tells Bremmer in the latest episode of GZERO World, “and it does not look good on them or on our country, and is frankly, of a danger to our national security.”

Watch the GZERO World episode: Sen. Mitt Romney on DC dysfunction, Russian attacks, and banning TikTok

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