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Senator Mark Kelly on President Biden's future in the 2024 race and fitness for office
Senator Mark Kelly on President Biden's future in the 2024 race and fitness for office | GZERO World

Senator Mark Kelly on President Biden's future in the 2024 race and fitness for office

Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill are falling in line behind President Biden, despite mounting calls from voters and even some Congressional Democrats to step aside in the US presidential race after his disastrous debate performance last month. With the stakes of the 2024 elections so high, Democrats are framing the race as a choice between stability and sensible governance in a potential second Biden administration versus chaos and threats to democracy if Trump were reelected.

Ian Bremmer sat down with Sen. Mark Kelly for an upcoming episode of GZERO World and asked about the future of President Biden's candidacy and whether he's confident Biden has the stamina and ability to lead the country for another four years. Kelly, who was elected the same year as Biden and Kamala Harris, says the administration's accomplishments speak for themselves and the president has "made it clear he's going all the way to November."

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Why replacing Biden would be a challenge
Will Democrats replace Biden? | US Politics

Why replacing Biden would be a challenge

Jon Lieber, Eurasia Group's head of research and managing director for the firm's coverage of United States political and policy developments, shares his perspective on US politics from Washington, DC.

What we're watching in US Politics this week. The big question is, will the Democrats replace Joe Biden after a disastrous debate performance?

Biden was not sharp in Thursday night's debate, seeming every bit of his 81-year-old. Slurring his speech at times, rambling, making confusing comments about what he was going to do to Medicare. And Donald Trump was able to exploit that, having being high energy, his normal blustery self. Biden was unable to push back against any of the outright lies that Trump was telling and was unable to land any punches, even on Biden's best issues, which include Donald Trump's personal character. So now there's a panic setting in among Democrats, and the question is, can they replace Biden and how would they do so?

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Democrat candidate, U.S. President Joe Biden, points during a presidential debate with Republican candidate, former U.S. President Donald Trump, in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S., June 27, 2024.

REUTERS/Brian Snyder

Did Biden blow it in the debate?

Americans anxiously watched the first presidential debate last night, hoping their preferred candidate could prove they have what it takes to (once again) call the White House home. But they got a particularly disappointing show from President Joe Biden, unchecked falsehoods from former President Donald Trump, and two old guys attacking each other’s golf games.

“Biden did not have a good night,” says Eurasia Group’s US director Jon Lieber. “He was sleepy, his voice was raspy, and he made several obvious and notable verbal gaffes.” While Trump was his normal blustery self, “Biden failed to land a single punch,” even when pointing out Trump’s biggest vulnerabilities.

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Ian Bremmer on debate: A big loss for Biden
Ian Bremmer on Trump-Biden debate | Quick Take

Ian Bremmer on debate: A big loss for Biden

Ian Bremmer's Quick Take: Hi, everybody. Ian Bremmer here. It is late, and we have just seen the first, maybe the last presidential debate of 2024. I was skeptical about the strategy from day one of Biden getting on stage with Trump. Biden has never been a great campaigner, doesn't have a lot of discipline, and isn't enormously entertaining. But they decided they needed to do it. And the rules benefited a normal politician. The microphones shut off, except for the person who was allowed to speak, and there was no live audience, and it was CNN. So the questions are going to be, at the very least, balance between the two. And, if there's going to be a slant, it'll be towards Biden and not towards Trump. And despite all of that, Biden got absolutely pasted.

And it's not about his speaking points per se; there were some points that he made, if you just look at the transcript, that clearly was in his favor, I would say, on balance, on the economy, his command of the facts was stronger than that of Trump. I saw that, in terms of talk of inflation and jobs. I saw that in terms of China and the trade deficit with China, that's actually narrowed as opposed to increased. Certainly, on abortion, I think that Biden would have landed more punches if you were only looking at the transcript. But no one is looking at the transcript. They're looking at the performance. And the performance, Biden was abysmal.

It wasn't just like a little bit on Trump's side. Trump looked vibrant. He actually, largely played by the rules. He sounded strong. He stuck to his time limit. And Biden looked and occasionally sounded incoherent. And the reality is that, I mean, Trump, in my view, shouldn't be running because he's unfit for being president. Biden shouldn't be running because he is too old to stand. And of the two challenges, the latter looks a lot worse on the debate stage that 50 plus percent of Americans just watched. The inbound that I've been receiving over the last two hours from people all over the world is overwhelmingly: "Is Biden now going to stand down? What is going to happen?" Because this is the worst evening, certainly of his campaign, and the level of pressure to find someone, anyone else other than Biden, to run is going to be strong.

Annie Gugliotta, GZERO

The hunt for the killer clip

Happy debate night as we all hunker down for the face-to-face rematch in Atlanta of the Age vs. Rage election, now just hours away.

More than anything else tonight at the presidential debate, Joe Biden and Donald Trump will be hunting for the one viral video clip that will define their opponent and frame the campaign. For the first time in close to four years, they will share a stage, and millions of people across blue and red states will finally exit their bias-affirming bubbles and tune in collectively to a single program. Just that fact alone — that it’s a moment when tens of millions of people across the hyper-fractured country gather for a common, shared political reality — makes tonight critical.

The three big factors: Age, Rage, and what happens on Stage. Make no mistake, policies and issues are critical and should be the main course tonight. Immigration, inflation, taxes, foreign affairs, abortion stance, and those pesky 34 felonies … all those matter and will be the focus of the moderators' agenda, according to CNN. But since the 1960 Nixon-Kennedy faceoff through today’s hyper-accelerated, viral social media culture, the impact of presidential debates has moved from policy to personality, from ideas to image. It is all about “the clip.”

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U.S. President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden participate in their first 2020 presidential campaign debate held on the campus of the Cleveland Clinic at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S., September 29, 2020.

REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

It’s debate night in America!

Tonight’s face-off between Joe Biden and Donald Trump will be the first debate of its kind.

For one thing, bucking the tradition of recent years, there will be no live studio audience. For another, the mics will cut off automatically if candidates speak over time or out of turn.

But mostly, it’ll be the first time a sitting US president has debated his predecessor. That makes this a meeting of two largely known quantities. We already know both men as people and as presidents. The horizon of new things to learn about either of them is very, very limited.

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Step up to the mic: What would you ask Biden and Trump?

In the run-up to Thursday night’s presidential debate, we asked GZERO readers to play moderator and draft questions for the two main contenders, Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Some even took up the challenge of posing the toughest questions either candidate could face.

Our inbox was soon overflowing with thoughtful responses like these:

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Jess Frampton

Biden and Trump to debate: Revisiting their most memorable moments

Thursday night’s debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump will be the first time a current US president debates a former one. It’s also the first time either of them has debated at all this election season — Trump skipped the Republican primary debates and Biden, as the incumbent, has debated no one on the Democratic side. Both candidates are polling at 46% nationally, so the stakes could not be higher.

With no recent debate track record for either of them, we look back at the biggest moments from their 2020 debates in search of clues for what to expect on Thursday night.

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