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Annie Gugliotta

Graphic Truth: Davos doomsdayers

The World Economic Forum asked 1,490 experts from the worlds of academia, business, and government, as well as the international community and civil society to assess the evolving global risk landscape.

These leaders hailed from 113 different countries and the results show a deteriorating global outlook over the next 10 years, with the number of people who responded that the “global catastrophic risks [are] looming” jumping from 3% over the next 2 years to 17% over the next 10.

But after a year of lethal conflicts from Gaza and Ukraine to Sudan, record-breaking heat, with both droughts and wildfires, and polarization on the rise, can you blame them for being worried?

Podcast: Calling for the "reglobalization" of trade: WTO chief Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala


Listen: Ian Bremmer sits down with World Trade Organization Director General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the first woman and first person from Africa to lead the organization, for a conversation about the good, the bad, and the future of global trade on the GZERO World podcast.

In the last half century, globalization has dramatically increased economic output, created hundreds of millions of jobs, and lifted millions of people out of poverty. But development between countries has been uneven, and global inequality is on the rise. Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine disrupted exposed weaknesses in the supply chain. And rising tension between the US and China has led to a world economy that’s becoming increasingly fractured.

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China's COVID lockdowns made its people depressed and hurt its economy
China's COVID lockdowns made its people depressed & hurt its economy | GZERO World

China's COVID lockdowns made its people depressed and hurt its economy

China’s economy keeps slowing down, and that could be a problem for the rest of the world.

On GZERO World, Shaun Rein, founder and managing director of the China Market Research Group, sits down with Ian Bremmer to explain why he’s become bearish on China’s economic outlook.

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Podcast: China's great economic slowdown


Listen: China is undoubtedly the biggest economic success story of our lifetime.

Between 1978 and 2017, China averaged almost 10% year-over-year GDP growth. Decades of pro-investment policies transformed China from a closed, centrally-planned economy to an economic powerhouse that could rival the US.

But in the last decade, Chinese President Xi Jinping has been moving the country back to its socialist roots, with major crackdowns in tech, real estate, and foreign investment. Xi’s vision is one of almost total state control, where businesses conform to the goals of the Chinese Communist Party, not the other way around.

Can communist ideology mixed with capitalist ambition sustain growth into the future? Is Xi setting up China for another four decades of economic success? And what do China’s citizens make of its return to socialist roots?

To discuss all that and more on the GZERO World podcast, Ian Bremmer sits down with Shaun Rein, Founder and Managing Director of the China Market Research Group, based in Shanghai.

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David Malpass' advice to World Bank successor: time is short
David Malpass' advice to World Bank successor: time is short | GZERO World

David Malpass' advice to World Bank successor: time is short

In his final interview as president of the World Bank Group, David Malpass spoke with Ian Bremmer on GZERO World to reflect on his time leading the global development organization and to share his advice for his successor, Ajay Banga.

Malpass became president of the World Bank in 2019 and has seen the world change significantly during his term. He says he’s proud of how the bank handled major global challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and the Afghanistan evacuation. He also thinks the bank did a good job raising the alarm about an impending economic crisis: slow growth and skyrocketing global debt.

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Are we entering a post-dollar world?

Are we entering a post-dollar world?

The U.S. dollar reigns supreme among all currencies in global trade and finance.

What does this mean? Only that the dollar is the currency of choice for most economic activities conducted around the world, including those by and between non-U.S. entities. For instance:

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Who’s to blame for inflation?

Who’s to blame for inflation?

I posted something on Twitter last Sunday that I didn’t think particularly novel or controversial but that has since gotten a lot of play:

Now, many folks missed the point of the tweet and instead took issue with me calling the U.S. government “left,” which I agree it isn’t really when you consider the policies and worldview President Biden espouses. Looked from, say, Europe, Biden is a centrist or even center-right. In fact, from a global perspective, the entire U.S. political spectrum—including most Democrats—sits on the right.

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Dispatch from Davos

Dispatch from Davos

Economic Forum (WEF). This is the first time the annual gathering of world leaders, CEOs, and public figures takes place in the spring (no snow boots!), courtesy of Omicron. It’s also the first in-person forum since the pandemic hit in January 2020, and it couldn’t be happening at a more critical moment for the world.

Indeed, the theme of this year’s meeting is “History at a Turning Point,” and what a turning point it is. From Covid-19, climate change, digitalization, and deglobalization to the war in Ukraine, slowing global growth, surging energy prices, and a looming food crisis, this is the most crisis-rich backdrop to a World Economic Forum I’ve ever seen.

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