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Why ‘America First’ means “America Involved” | GZERO World

Why ‘America first’ means “America involved”

What's the biggest foreign policy misconception that Americans have about the US's role in the world? According to international relations expert Tom Nichols, too few Americans believe that the US, in fact, has a critical role in the world, and that the things Americans enjoy, from cheap goods to safe streets, are made possible because of American global leadership. "Americans have become so spoiled and inured to the idea that the world is a dangerous place that they don't understand that the seas are navigable because someone makes them that way. They don't understand that peace between the great powers is not simply like the weather, that just happens," Nichols tells Ian Bremmer. Their conversation is featured on an episode of GZERO World, airing on US public television – check local listings.

Watch the episode: Make politics "boring" again: Joe Biden's first 100 Days

America’s “Narcissism Pandemic” | GZERO World

America’s “narcissism pandemic”: Tom Nichols, author of "Our Own Worst Enemy"

Is America's real problem a "narcissism pandemic"? According to Tom Nichols, an Atlantic contributor and author of "Our Own Worst Enemy: The Assault From Within On Modern Democracy,," the coronavirus pandemic has revealed the degree to which Americans expect things to come easily to them. "There is a real selfishness and self-absorption and narcissism that has come with living in a country that is peaceful, prosperous, affluent, super high standards of living—technological innovations that we now just take for granted that things just work." Ian Bremmer asks Nichols to suggest some solutions to the problem in an interview on GZERO World, airing on US public television.

Watch the episode: Make politics "boring" again: Joe Biden's first 100 Days

Why Tom Nichols is “Done With” Anti-vaxxers | GZERO World

Why it’s time to “be done with” anti-vaxxers: Tom Nichols

International relations expert and Atlantic contributor Tom Nichols has little patience for the anti-vaccination movement. "The people who say things like, 'I'm not getting the vaccine. And if there are passports, I'll get a fake one'... It's time to begin stigmatizing them in the same way that we would have stigmatized people who didn't want to get a polio vaccine or a smallpox vaccine in an earlier time." In a conversation with Ian Bremmer, Nichols shares his views on whether vaccines should be mandatory and the merits of vaccine passports. The interview on GZERO World airs on US public television starting April 30 - check local listings.

Watch the episode: Make politics "boring" again: Joe Biden's first 100 Days

No-drama Joe Biden’s First 100 Days: Big wins, but Challenges Ahead | GZERO World

No-drama Joe Biden’s first 100 days: big wins, but challenges ahead

In his first 100 days, Biden has issued more executive orders than any president since FDR. 40 of them by mid-April. His administration exceeded (modestly set) goals for vaccine distribution, pushed a record $1.9 trillion stimulus plan through Congress, rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement and announced an end to the war in Afghanistan. Biden's approval rating of 53% at the 100-day milestone, though lower than those of Obama and Bush, is 12 points higher than Trump's was at this point. But there are clear signs the next several months will be a much bumpier ride, with challenges from immigration to healthcare to a deeply divided Congress.

Watch the episode: Make politics "boring" again: Joe Biden's first 100 Days

Make Politics “Boring” Again: Joe Biden’s First 100 Days | GZERO World

Make politics “boring” again: Joe Biden’s first 100 days

After four years of President Trump lobbing red meat to his base nearly every day, President Joe Biden's first 100 days in office have been refreshingly "boring." He's fired off zero early-morning Twitter rants and picked no fights with professional sport teams nor Mika Brzezinski. That's not to say, however, that he hasn't been busy. Since January 20th, Biden has issued more executive orders than any president since FDR, 40 of them by mid-April. His administration has already blown through their (admittedly low bar) goal of 100 million vaccinations in 100 days, topping 200 million. He's also gotten a record $1.9 trillion stimulus deal through Congress and announced a complete troop withdrawal from Afghanistan by 9/11/21. According to international relations expert and Atlantic contributor, Tom Nichols, that's exactly the kind of "boring" America needs right now. Especially at a time when the nation is going through what he calls a "narcissism pandemic." Nichols joins Ian Bremmer for a conversation on GZERO World.

The potential pitfalls of an unconditional US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan | GZERO World

Afghanistan: the potential pitfalls of an unconditional US troop withdrawal

For two decades we've wondered how and when America's longest war would end. Now Joe Biden has announced that all US troops will be out of Afghanistan by September 11, 2021. While it's a political victory with obvious benefits, there are real risks involved in President Biden's decision. Afghanistan could quickly fall back into the hands of the Taliban, which would be a disaster for the citizens of that country and a danger to the US.

Watch the GZERO World with Ian Bremmer episode.

Congress After The Attempt To Overthrow Democracy | Democratic Senator Chris Murphy | GZERO World

Congress after the attempt to overthrow democracy: Democratic Senator Chris Murphy

Two-term Democratic Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut joins Ian Bremmer to talk about his harrowing experience during the Capitol riots of January 6, why he thinks an impeachment trial is still valuable even if Republican support for a conviction looks increasingly unlikely, if he believes President Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus package will pass both chambers, and how he thinks US-China foreign policy should change under the new administration.

Watch this extended interview from the recent episode of GZERO World: After the insurrection: will Congress find common ground?

Ian Explains: Why President Biden's First 100 Days Matter | GZERO World

Why President Biden's first 100 days matter

President Biden has set an ambitious agenda for his first 100 days in office. Why is there so much pressure riding on that small amount of time, which is less than 7% of an American president's four-year term? Ian Bremmer explains how the "first 100 days" idea started 88 years ago, when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had to pull the United States out of the greatest economic crisis the modern world had ever known.

Watch the GZERO World episode: After the insurrection: will Congress find common ground?

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